Kiplinger recently named Salt Lake City among the top 10 places to retire in 2015. While Kiplinger lauded Salt Lake’s low cost of living, stunning scenery, vibrant city life and light-rail system, there is yet another reason Salt Lake is an excellent place for those 50 and over: The University of Utah’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, which ensures that education is a lifelong pursuit by providing opportunities for affordable, noncredit learning and meaningful social engagement.

PHOTO CREDIT: The University of Utah
U Osher students participate in a forensic anthropology class.
The Bernard Osher Foundation recently gave the U’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute a $1 million endowment, which will enhance the depth and breadth of the institute’s programs.
“Osher is a key part of the U’s effort to improve health and quality of life in our community,” said U Osher Director Cathy House. “Studies are showing that social and mental stimulation contribute to good health as people age, and Osher not only benefits students, but our classes are taught by emeritus and current faculty and experts from the community who find it rejuvenating to teach such an enthusiastic group of students who bring lifetimes of experiences and varied perspectives to discussions.”
Since it began just over a decade ago, the institute has grown from offering 12 courses and six special events to 50 members to offering 60 courses and more than 40 free special activities to more than 1,300 members. Classes range from hands-on art and music to more academic topics such as politics, economics, history, literature, world culture as well as technology-related topics, such as Google Maps and iPad Basics. Special activities include visiting manufacturing companies, museums, theaters and more.
The institute is hosting an open house Wednesday, Aug. 19, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. where those interested can meet fall term instructors, learn about free special activities and get a taste of an Osher class with the evening’s keynote, “Utah’s Emergence as a Global Presence,” by U economists Natalie Gochnour and Pam Perlich. RSVP required, call 801-585-5442 or visit