Catheter ablation better than traditional drug therapies for treating atrial fibrillation

August 31, 2017

Every year, millions of people around the world are diagnosed with heart failure, a chronic, progressive condition where the heart is unable to pump enough oxygenated blood throughout the body. Researchers at the University of Utah Health and Klinikum Coburg, Germany, co-led a clinical trial that showed radiofrequency catheter ablation lowered hospitalization and mortality rates […]

A magic formula to predict attraction is more elusive than ever

August 30, 2017

Dating websites often claim attraction between two people can be predicted from the right combination of traits and preferences, but a new study casts doubt on that assertion. The study, which used speed dating data, found a computer could predict who is desirable and how much someone would desire others — who’s hot and who’s […]

Nature imagery calms prisoners

August 28, 2017

Sweeping shots of majestic landscapes. Glaciers, forests and waterfalls.  Research published today shows that these images, shown to people deprived of access to nature, can reduce tension, help defuse anger and make some of the harshest environments, like a solitary confinement cellblock in a maximum-security prison, a little easier to bear. The study, published in […]

University of Utah Presidential Search Committee announces public meetings

August 28, 2017

The University of Utah Presidential Search Committee will host three public meetings to obtain input from members of the University of Utah community and the general public on the presidential search. Public input from these meetings will help the committee shape a position announcement, the primary advertisement for the position used in recruiting candidates. Sept. […]

Manipulating a Single Gene Defines a New Pathway to Anxiety

August 24, 2017

Removing a single gene from the brains of mice and zebrafish causes these animals to become more anxious than normal. Researchers from University of Utah Health show that eliminating the gene encoding Lef1 disrupts the development of certain nerve cells in the hypothalamus that affect stress and anxiety. These results are the first implication that […]

Two Studies Support Intensive Blood Pressure Control for Long-term Health, Quality of Life

August 24, 2017

Two studies provide additional support for lowering systolic blood pressure to an intensive goal of 120 mmHg – far below the standard guidelines of 140 mmHg – to reduce the risk of heart disease in high-risk patients with hypertension. The new research shows that intensive blood pressure control is well-tolerated by patients and is cost-effective […]

Evolutionary arms ‘chase’

August 23, 2017

In nature, plants engage in a never-ending battle to avoid being eaten. Unable to run away, plant species have evolved defenses to deter herbivores; they have spines, produce nasty chemicals, or grow tough leaves that are difficult to chew. For years, scientists have assumed that herbivores and plants are locked into evolutionary competition in which […]

Targeted forest regeneration

August 23, 2017

Tropical forests contain more than one-half of all plant and animal species on Earth. Unfortunately, they are disappearing at the highest rate of any forests worldwide. Furthermore, many of the most threatened tropical species are restricted to 20 or so biodiversity hotspots, which are sites that have lost more than 70 percent of their original […]

Putting it to the test

August 23, 2017

It’s estimated that about 788,000 people worldwide died of liver cancer in 2015, the second-leading cause of cancer deaths, according to the latest statistics from the World Health Organization. One of the major challenges in combatting this disease is detecting it early because symptoms often don’t appear until later stages. But a team of researchers […]

U Farmers Market celebrates 10 seasons of growing food access and building community

August 22, 2017

The 10th season of the University of Utah Farmers Market begins Aug. 24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at Tanner Plaza, west of the Student Union, and continues every Thursday through Oct. 5. The Farmers Market began as a way to bring fresh, local food to the campus in order to help build healthier, more sustainable lifestyles. […]