Health & Medicine

Climate change negatively affects birth weight, U study finds

From melting glaciers to increasing wildfires, the consequences of climate change and strategies to mitigate such consequences are often a hotly debated topic. A new study led by the University of Utah adds to the ever-growing list of negative impacts climate change can have on humans—low birth weight. The first of its kind, the two-year […]

Air Quality2

U Team Building Technology to Crowdsource Complex Triggers of Pediatric Asthma

For many doctors, figuring out what caused a kid’s asthma attack means opening up regional air quality databases and applying a lot of guesswork. While pollution from cars and other sources is known to trigger asthma in some children, there are a number of lesser-understood factors that also increase their risk – everything from viral […]

U police to collect unused prescriptions

The University of Utah Police Department will participate in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s 10th annual National Prescription Drug Take-Back event on Sept. 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Expired, unused and unwanted prescriptions can be taken to the University of Utah Police Department at 1735 E. South Campus Drive. Additional drop-off locations are available […]

New University of Utah project will document history of HIV/AIDS in Utah

After the Utah State Legislature enacted a historic non-discrimination statute earlier this year, Sen. Jim Dabakis tearfully turned to University of Utah physician Kristen Ries with the signed document designed to ban discrimination in housing and employment for the state’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. “(This is) for your work,” an emotional Dabakis told […]

U students develop electronic device to help homeless patients remember medical appointments

Imagine not having access to the Internet, a cellphone or even a place to call home. Not having access to these basics can deprive a person of social interaction, education, health care and so much more. As of 2014, this was the reality for nearly 600,000 people across the nation, with over 13,000 people in […]

National Cancer Institute Awards Huntsman Cancer Institute Elite Comprehensive Cancer Center Designation

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has awarded Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah its Comprehensive Cancer Center status, the highest designation possible. The announcement was made today in an award letter from NCI to Dr. Mary Beckerle, HCI’s CEO and director. The award was the result of an extensive review process that culminated in a full-day on-site visit by national cancer research experts and thought leaders in the fourth quarter of 2014.

Patients Less Likely to Die if Readmitted to Same Hospital

June 24, 2015 – Up to 22 percent of surgical patients experience unexpected complications and must be readmitted for post-operative care. A study led by the University of Utah suggests that returning to the same hospital is important for recovery. Readmission to a different hospital was associated with a 26 percent increased risk for dying […]

University of Utah Neuroscience Initiative Announces Inaugural Round of Grants to Understand the Brain in Disease and in Health

The University of Utah’s Neuroscience Initiative has awarded seed grants to six collaborative projects aimed at deepening our understanding of the brain in disease and in health, and transforming this knowledge into innovative solutions for patient care.

Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network elects U professor as board chairman

GLSEN is a nonprofit organization that works to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment. Huebner, an associate professor at the U, studies the physical and mental health consequences of discrimination.