Happy Birthday, Mr. President

President Barack Obama celebrates his 54th birthday on Aug. 4. On his inauguration day six years ago, President Obama handed Rep. John Lewis a note. It said, “Dear John: Thanks to you. Barack.” Rep. Lewis, a deeply engaged activist since his youth and often called “one of the most courageous persons the Civil Rights Movement ever produced,” has dedicated his life to protecting human rights, securing civil liberties and building what he calls, “The Beloved Community” in America. He will deliver a keynote speech at the U Nov. 10 for the U’s MUSE Project (My U Student Experience), which will dedicate the coming year to exploring the theme of “community.” Mark Matheson, director of the MUSE Project, can discuss Lewis’ visit, how his appearance reflects the year’s theme and Lewis’s graphic novel series, “MARCH,” which will be discussed in classrooms across campus this fall.
Phone: 801-581-3677 | Email: mark.matheson@utah.edu

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