Summer camps for kids

Summer is officially here, which means campus summer camps and classes are in full swing.Youth Education at the U has more than 250 summer camps and classes for kids ages 2-18, designed to inspire education, imagination and innovation through hands-on learning experiences. Students can continue to learn and grow during their summer vacation by developing new skills and building new relationships while pursuing current interests or tackling new topics. Campers can swim with sharks and learn about marine biology and ecology, create their own video game, learn to write songs, make a movie, build a long board,paint murals or become a captivating storyteller. Nate Friedman, associate director of education for Youth Education, is available to discuss the benefits of summer camps, the importance of exposing children to higher education at a young age and how parents can get their children involved with classes and camps this summer. Media are invited to visit classes and camps.
Phone: 801-585-9781 | Email:

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