With the start of a new school year just around the corner, it’s time for many parents to bring their children in for an eye exam and to get them fitted for new glasses. What is the appropriate age for an eye exam? What happens at a child’s first checkup? What are common vision problems detected in children—and if problems are spotted during an exam, what are the next steps in helping children cope with their diagnoses? What goes in to finding the perfect fit for glasses for kids? David Dries is an associate professor of ophthalmology at the U’s John A. Moran Eye Center who specializes in pediatric eye disease. He and other specialists from the Moran Eye Center are available to discuss these topics. Contact Esther Pomeroy, communications manager at the Moran Eye Center, to arrange an interview.
Phone: 801-587-9942 | Email: esther.pomeroy@hsc.utah.edu
Your child and eye exams: What you need to know
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