Undergraduate students at the University of Utah will showcase their research for Utah lawmakers and the general public on Wednesday, Feb. 28 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the rotunda of the Utah State Capitol.
Research on Capitol Hill, now in its 18th year, gives lawmakers and the public a glimpse of the breadth of research programs at the University of Utah and reinforces the value of state-funded higher education.
Students presenting at the event practice engaging in public outreach and polishing presentation skills. By explaining their research in clear, non-technical terms to event attendees including legislators, junior high students and parents, presenters practice communicating their work succinctly and accessibly.

PHOTO CREDIT: University of Utah
Undergraduate student participants in the 2017 Research on Capitol Hill event.
Presenters hail from broad disciplines across campus, including engineering, medicine and social sciences. Project titles include “Reliable imaging of cardiac conduction pathways during neonatal heart reconstruction surgery,” “Oral health programs for uninsured free clinic patients” and “Immigration stress among refugees resettled in Utah.”
Find the full list of research project titles below.
Research Project Title |
The effects of amplification in the workplace |
Reliable imaging of cardiac conduction pathways during neonatal heart reconstruction surgery |
Temperature effects on the electrochromic optical transitions of variable tint goggles |
Verification study for a finite element model of a coronary artery |
Machine learning classification of essential oils |
Can exercise training limit endothelial dysfunction in aged mice by preserving vascular autophagy? |
Sleeping Beauty and pre-Raphaelite painting |
Increased insulin action in brain regulates counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia in diabetic rats |
Negative pressure increases blood vessel density around percutaneous devices |
Asthmatic bronchoconstriction through excessive extrusion damages airway epithelia |
Quantification of forefoot motion during activities of daily living |
Assessing the contraceptive needs of homeless women in Salt Lake City |
Distance-technology delivered grief support program- Perceived quality and satisfaction of training provided to social workers |
Healthcare encounters of formerly homeless individuals |
Oral health programs for uninsured free clinic patients |
Reconstructing a fire history record and disturbance patterns for a high elevation site in the Northern Rocky Mountains |
Physical activity classes for refugees resettled in Utah |
Isotopic analysis of the Jordan River nitrogen cycle |
Immigration stress among refugees resettled in Utah |
Investigation of the combined effects of social support and maternal prenatal mood on newborn neurobehavior |
The effects of air pollution salience and place attachment on supporting an environmental organization |
Needs of youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in health care settings |
Secretory effects of a coding mutation in the gene NDP |
Sex trafficking: The invisible neoliberal motivation of modern slavery |