Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, reproductive rights have been a persistent flashpoint of controversy in the United States. The controversy has been characterized by more heat than light, however. It features little attention to why pregnancies occur, how unwanted pregnancies might successfully be prevented and what supports women’s need for healthy pregnancies and care for their children. Now, with a plan on the table to repeal the Affordable Care Act, those issues may be even more critical as many women may lack access to health insurance and the means to pay for contraception or other forms of health care. Mental health and substance abuse treatment may become increasingly unavailable, potentially increasing the risks of unwanted and unhealthy pregnancies. Law professor Leslie Francis is available to discuss what potential changes in access to health care may mean for women’s reproductive rights. Francis is the editor of a new book on reproductive rights, “The Oxford Handbook of Reproductive Ethics,” which features articles from scholars with diverse perspectives on reproductive rights, the meaning of and responsibilities of parenting, and the role of society in facilitating or discouraging parenting.
Leslie Francis | distinguished professor of philosophy and distinguished professor of law | Phone: 801-581-4289 | Email: