August 15, 2019
University of Utah President Ruth Watkins has approved the hiring of a chief safety officer to coordinate and oversee safety initiatives on campus. The new chief safety officer position is one of more than two dozen recommendations made by the Presidential Task Force on Campus Safety, which the president reconvened in December to look at […]
December 19, 2018
University of Utah President Ruth Watkins announced Wednesday actions to improve campus safety in response to an independent review team’s findings and recommendations related to the Lauren McCluskey case. The measures focus on training and education, staffing and improved communication processes. To read the university’s response, click here. They include: Adding staff in the University […]
March 6, 2017
The University of Utah’s 2017 Women’s Week, March 6-10, explores how the normalization of rape is manifested and steps that individuals can take to disrupt it. The week’s events will also address how scholars and activists have pointed out society’s desensitization to rape in recent years. Women’s Week is sponsored by the U’s Office for […]