National Science Foundation Funds Natural History Museum of Utah, U College of Education to develop online learning environment

June 21, 2018

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a grant with total funding expected to reach $1.3 million this month to the Natural History Museum of Utahand the College of Education at the University of Utah to develop and evaluate an on-line learning environment to support student learning in the biosciences.  This pioneering project, titled Engaging […]

State after-school program makes a difference for students in Utah affected by intergenerational poverty

April 23, 2018

A study by the Utah Education Policy Center (UEPC) found that students who participated in after-school programs designed to serve those affected by intergenerational poverty performed better on year-end state assessments in English language arts, mathematics and science compared to their performance in the years they did not participate. Moreover, students in these programs also […]

Experience of black doctoral students underscores need to increase diversity in STEM fields

April 11, 2018

The danger and risk of riding out a storm is symbolic of the decision black men make to pursue a graduate degree in engineering. They do so knowing they will face challenges, but the barriers described by black men who shared their experiences as part of a six-year study show how race was a greater […]

Deciding to Stay or Go: Making a Difference Matters

January 25, 2018

A study by the Utah Education Policy Center, UEPC, in the College of Education at the University of Utah, found that choosing to make a difference isn’t just a reason for becoming a teacher. As it turns out, teachers report that making a difference in the lives of children and young adults, and contributing to […]