Scientists discover link between unique brain cells and OCD and anxiety

October 22, 2019

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 1 in 3 people experience debilitating anxiety—the kind that prevents someone from going about their normal life. Women are also more at risk to suffer from anxiety. Yet the roots of anxiety and other anxiety-related diseases, such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), are still unclear. In a […]

Changes Associated with Autism Risk May Be Detected as Early as the Second Trimester

August 19, 2019

Researchers at University of Utah Health have identified a link between autism and steroid hormone changes detected in the mother’s blood. These changes, which suggest increased estrogen activity, can be seen early in the second trimester. The pilot study, published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, opens a new direction in autism research. […]