The future’s most cutting-edge research in mobile and wireless communications, from faster cellphone connectivity to connecting a network of smart cars, will be tested on a new platform to be built at the University of Utah and in Salt Lake City. The PAWR Project Office has selected the University of Utah and Rice University in […] Feed
Wireless ‘living laboratory’ coming to Utah
The connection between money and happiness is real — to a point
Money is definitely linked to happiness, but how much money it takes to be happy varies greatly around the world and there is a threshold beyond which more money doesn’t equal greater life satisfaction. A new study on happiness found the average income globally for optimum life satisfaction is $95,000 for an individual. The study […]
What is the cost of interrupting a radiologist?
A first of its kind study shows typical interruptions experienced by on-call radiologists do not reduce diagnostic accuracy but do change what they look at and increase the amount of time spent on a case. The implication of the finding is that as radiologists contend with an increasing number of workplace interruptions, they must either […]
Scientists discover evidence of early human innovation, pushing back evolutionary timeline
An international collaboration, including the Natural History Museum of Utah at the University of Utah, has discovered that early humans in eastern Africa had—by about 320,000 years ago—begun trading with distant groups, using color pigments and manufacturing more sophisticated tools than those of the Early Stone Age. These newly discovered activities approximately date to the […]
Citizen science birding data passes scientific muster
As long as there have been birdwatchers, there have been lists. Birders keep detailed records of the species they’ve seen and compare these lists with each other as evidence of their accomplishments. Now those lists, submitted and aggregated to birding site eBird, can help scientists track bird populations and identify conservation issues before it’s too […]
Mapping the Genome Jungle
From a bat’s wings to an elephant’s cancer resistance, an interdisciplinary team of scientists at University of Utah Health are using animals’ unique traits to pinpoint regions of the human genome that might affect health. The results of this project are available in the March 6 issue of the journal Cell Reports. The research team […]
U professors honored by Ecological Society of America
Three University of Utah biology professors have been honored for their contributions to ecology. Frederick Adler and Phyllis Coley were elected fellows of the Ecological Society of America (ESA), and William Anderegg was named an Early Career Fellow. Fellows are members of ESA who have made outstanding contributions to a wide range of fields served by […]
Cascading Inflammation Associated with Lyme Arthritis Linked to Overactive Immune Response
Every year, more than 300,000 Americans contract Lyme disease, an infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterium transferred during a tick bite. In a small percentage of patients, infection symptoms, including arthritis, persist despite antibiotic treatment. Scientists at University of Utah Health believe they identified a mechanism that activates T cells, a key component of […]
International Dark-Sky Association Annual General Meeting, 5th ALAN International Conference, Snowbird Resort, Utah
Feb. 13, 2018 — This fall, members of two international organizations dealing with the issue of light pollution will convene in Snowbird, Utah for their membership gatherings. The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) 30th Annual General Meeting will be held Nov. 9 – 10, followed by the Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) 5th International Conference Nov. […]
U debate society recognized by Utah State Legislature
The University of Utah’s John R. Park Debate Society was recognized today with a resolution by the Utah State Legislature. They were honored for their exemplary accomplishments including their advancement of teaching speech and debate, as well as receiving the 2016-17 season-long national championship awarded by the National Parliamentary Debate Association. “The legislature’s recognition of […]