December 17, 2015
What is the impact of intellectual property on communities, innovation and development? That was the central theme at the Fourth Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest held in New Delhi, India earlier this month, where more than 450 delegates from around the world participated in discussions, which brought together academics, advocates and policy makers to explore issues related to intellectual property. Jorge Contreras, a professor at the S.J. Quinney College of Law, contributed to the international conference as a speaker, moderator and co-organizer of the “IP and Development” track. In addition, he is engaged in several research projects examining the acquisition and assertion of patents in the domestic Indian mobile device market. He’s available to speak about the conference and his current research.
Jorge Contreras | Phone: 801-581-6767| Email:
September 11, 2015
The world is still reeling from a photo of a dead toddler from Syria washed ashore on a beach in Turkey, the latest image that speaks to the desperation of families to escape a war-torn Syria, and Europe’s escalating crisis over how to handle an influx of refugees. What’s the significance of the migrant crisis? Claudio Holzner, associate director for the Center for Latin American Studies and an associate professor in the U’s Political Science Department, can speak to the developing issues as the European Union grapples with how to handle growing migrant populations.
Phone: 801-585-7988 | Email:
September 9, 2015
All eyes are on Congress and a pending vote on the Iran Nuclear Deal that is expected to take place before Sept. 17. The deal calls for the U.S. to lift economic sanctions against Iran in return for Iran’s agreement not to develop nuclear weapons. Secretary of State John Kerry has said that the agreement would prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, while others (mostly Republicans) in Congress have argued that Iran can’t be trusted to follow through on the deal. Earlier this week, news emerged that President Obama has secured enough votes to put the agreement in place. U law professor Amos Guiora is an expert on counterterrorism and national security. He is available to offer commentary on the Iran nuclear weapon deal and potential ramifications of any outcome. Guiora has written for the New York Times about his past involvement in prisoner release negotiations for Israel. He served 19 years in the Israel Defense Forces and was involved in the release of Palestinian prisoners in his role as a judge advocate general. Guiora can offer commentary on the question of national security in the middle east and what the deal will do to stabilize or not stabilize the middle east. He can also speak to the deal’s potential ramifications for the Islamic State group, what the deal means for other countries getting nuclear weapons and a host of other issues on this developing story.
Phone: 216-470-6386 | Email:
August 21, 2015
Law professor Amos Guiora, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert and Sen. Jeff Flake (R. Az.) will speak at the Utah Global Forum, which will facilitate a dialogue on how businesses can expand beyond local borders and develop a strategy of expansion into the global marketplace through importing opportunities and service exports. The program brings together experts from across industry, all with a single objective: move Utah businesses to the global business stage to meet the challenges of todayâs business environment.
Salt Palace Convention Center, 100 S. West Template, 9:45 a.m.
July 13, 2015
The financial crisis in Greece may seem like a problem in a far-off nation for many Americans, but the country’s recent shutdown of the banking system could have worldwide implications. Retirement savings like 401(k) plans could fluctuate after markets took a dip when talks between Greece and its creditors in Europe broke down in recent weeks. There are other potential economic ramifications as well. Economics professor Korkut Alp Erturk can explain what’s happening in Greece and the potential economic impact for the U.S. and world. Erturk has published multiple articles on the case for international currency reform.
Phone: 801-581-7481 | Email:
June 19, 2015
Middle East respiratory syndrome, MERS, which originated in Jordan in 2012, has marched into South Korea, wreaking havoc in its wake. Though it has caused a relatively low number of deaths there—less than a dozen at last count—over 2,000 schools have been closed as a precaution. Are such measures warranted? What is the likelihood that MERS will make it to the U.S.? Who is most vulnerable to the virus? Sankar Swaminathan, M.D., chief of infectious disease at University of Utah Health Care, can address questions like these and explain how MERS compares to Ebola and SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome). To schedule an interview with Swaminathan, contact Julie Kiefer, University of Utah Health Care Office Public Affairs.
Phone: 801-597-4258 | Email: